Hello everyone,

There have always been many scam websites circulating online, and I have been actively reporting them. Here, I would like to share the reporting methods I often use. However, I cannot guarantee their effectiveness.


1. Report Suspicious Websites to Google (Simplest Method)

Install the plug-in at this URL.:


After installing the plugin directly, press the icon button.

send report !

2. Reporting Google Spam Websites


Originally, there was a plugin available for this purpose, but it has been removed since then. I'm not sure why.

However, we can still achieve the reporting function using a bookmark hyperlink.

First, go to the following website:



Add this website to the bookmarks toolbar and then edit the bookmark.


Please change the URL to the following code and save it.
You can modify the text in the "scam site" section as desired, or you can leave it unchanged.


javascript:(function() {
  window.open("https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/spamreportform?hl=zh_TW&comments=scam site&spamurl=" + window.location.href, "_blank");


Then, clicking on the bookmark link will open a new window with the current webpage URL automatically filled in, allowing users to report quickly.



Actually, I'm not sure about the main differences between these two reporting methods. However, I believe that reporting is better than not reporting at all. If you can't stand the prevalence of scam advertising websites, take action and report them!