Hello everyone
Setting permissions for files access.xml
I found that there are some rules need to be able to comply with the normal use
Provided here for your reference

1.The permissions set in config.xml component need to be properly

For example, I called com_zoearth components
Set in the component to be able to remember to modify the right elements to enable

//IN config.xml
<fieldset name="permissions" label="JCONFIG_PERMISSIONS_LABEL" description="JCONFIG_PERMISSIONS_DESC">
    <field name="rules" type="rules" label="JCONFIG_PERMISSIONS_LABEL" class="inputbox" validate="rules" filter="rules" component="com_zoearth" section="component" />

2.Translation and description are required

For example the following ZOE_USER_ACCESS and ZOE_SETUP_ACCESS
Zh-TW.com_zoearth.ini all must have the corresponding setting
If you do not correct translation
the setup file will be error

//IN access.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<access component="com_zoearth">
    <section name="component">
        <action name="core.manage" title="JACTION_MANAGE" description="JACTION_MANAGE" />
        <action name="core.admin" title="JACTION_ADMIN" description="JACTION_ADMIN" />
        <action name="com_zoearth.user" title="ZOE_USER_ACCESS" description="ZOE_USER_ACCESS" />
        <action name="com_zoearth.setup" title="ZOE_SETUP_ACCESS" description="ZOE_SETUP_ACCESS" />
        <action name="com_zoearth.lang" title="ZOE_SETUP_LANG" description="ZOE_SETUP_LANG" />

3.Permission name must be lowercase

That is, the set of variables in the call permissions
Will automatically turn lowercase
For example setting com_zoearth.User
You must use com_zoearth.user call
So the best way to start using all lowercase


4.Two basic permissions

core.manage and core.admin is essential to have the permissions feature
core.manage is the access permissions for the basic components
core.admin basic permissions are set to of the component
Of course, the translation of the text is also necessary to set the correct

<action name="core.manage" title="JACTION_MANAGE" description="JACTION_MANAGE" />
<action name="core.admin" title="JACTION_ADMIN" description="JACTION_ADMIN" />

There are other questions, please leave a message at the bottom of the message board
Thank you!