Hello everyone

I recently thought about how to use python to find the text in a specific file
and write an additional file?

You can refer to the following example
and I have added annotations Description


import os

# file to read
files = [

# The text need to find
keyWord = 'ABC'

getLines = []

# Loop to read the files
for fileF in files:
     with open(fileF, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
         for lineS in f. readlines():
             # Skip if the line does not have the text you are looking for
             if not keyWord in lineS:
             # display found text lines
             # Gather the found text lines
# Sort the found lines, it is easier to read
getLines. sort()

# Write the found data lines, w+ is to write and add files
with open('summary.txt', 'w+') as f:
     for getLine in getLines:
         f. write(getLine)
         # It is better to write one more newline for better reading


I hope it will be helpful to everyone.