Hello everyone

Recently thought of

How to display the deep learning model in python's keras?

How about making this model structure more intuitive and understandable?


Just use graphviz


After installing graphviz

According to the following program example, the keras model architecture diagram can be generated


# Tensorflow needs to be installed
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model

# Add an input layer
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,))
# Add a new dense layer and put the dense layer behind the input layer
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation=tf.nn.relu)(inputs)
# Add another dense layer and put the dense layer behind the previous dense layer
# The final output is the outputs data
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation=tf.nn.softmax)(x)
# Put the head and tail layers of the model into the Model parameter and package them into a complete model
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + 'C:\graphviz-2.44.1-win32/Graphviz/bin/' # path to install graphviz

# generate model image
     model, # model object
     to_file='model_.png', # The picture to be stored
     show_shapes=True, # show input and output dimensions
     show_layer_names=True # show layer names

The picture is similar to this


Dimensions from input layer to output layer

Everything is very clear

This is also a very important parameter of the model in deep learning

Unfortunately, this method cannot be used in pytorch

For your reference